Heavy Duty Pallets
3 Skid

We are proud of our wide range of products that serve the entire Middle East and African market; from The Atlantic to the Gulf!

Check our wide range below, and our team would be happy to be in touch with you to work on your needs.

Product Design

3 Skid Perforated / Solid Pallet (Close Top)

Product Specs

Reinforcement with up to 8 metal bars
Compatibility with RFID and WMS
Free entry for the manual hand pallet
Anti-slippage stoppers
Lowest breakage rate
7-10 years expected life time


Static Load: 8 Tons
Dynamic Load: 2.5 Tons
Racking Load*: 1.5 Tons
*Can be increased upon request

Sizes & Loads Options

Other Heavy Duty Pallets

“Great things are done
by a series of small things brought together.”

– Vincent Van Gough